Go Derek

Derek Dorame dropped a new one over on the TCU that you should watch fo sho!


Dorame/Velasco Edit

New Mexico stand up! Another good one from Derek Dorame… and this time his homie Andres Velasco goes in too.


Dorame – Fe! Santa Fe!

Our main man in New Mexico, Derek Dorame, sent over a couple of video projects he worked on in 2013. Here’s the first. Santa Fe represent! He also has clips in a Ride Edit that came out today, so check out the ABQ Scene Report while you’re at it!


Derek Dorame does a damn fine job reppin’ the shield in Santa Fe and will definitely be doing his thing in the Double Ditch jam edits that are starting to pop up. He’s got an edit of his own in the works too, so don’t sleep on that when it drops! Here’s some shots from Alex Jaquez to tide you over.

Derek Dorame at Double Ditch


Derek Dorame doin’ it for New Mexico on his ATF. Check out his build!

Dorame’s ATF


Sweet shot of Derek getting down in Sante Fe. Wall Ride 180 into the street. Photo: Alex Jaquez

Derek Dorame